Encyclopedias, printed common-place books, and miscellaneous repertoires of humanistic learning

Our project

    The project Poliantea: Encyclopedias, printed common-place books, and miscellaneous repertoires of humanistic learning forms part of the activities of the SIELAE (Interdisciplinary Seminar for the Study of Spanish Golden Age Literature). This group has worked on the elaboration of a primary and secondary bibliography of works published between the XVIth and XVIIIth centuries, that gather encyclopedic type knowledge offered in different taxonomies: by commonplaces, by alphabetical order, etc… with the goal of organizing diverse types of knowledge in logical structures.

     Our interest is focused on this type of works, used by poets, orators, preachers, painters and artists of all kinds to elaborate their productions in the XVIth-XVIIIth centuries. Using titles as Polyanthea, Officina, Sylva, Hortus floridus, Thesaurus, Theatrum, Officina, Syntaxis, Panoptikon, Argumenta, or their equivalents in vulgar languages: Theater, Garden, Florilegium, etc. they gather the classics' sentences, adages, apothegms, proverbs, anecdotes from Sacred or profane History, exempla, fables… that served to enrich their works with learning or just as an aid to inventio.      

     Besides these helpful works (many of them written in Latin and dedicated to a public competent in the use of that language), beginning in the XVIth century, another kind of book began to enjoy great success. In Spanish we call them Misceláneas. Generally, this type of book gathers in a single volume heterogeneous curiosities, mixing topics from Antiquity with other contemporaneous ones in a more or less random order. Written in the vulgar language (often in the form of dialogues, epistles or essays), their main purpose is the popularization of knowledge, inaccessible until then to those who did not know Latin. They seek to teach by appealing to the senses of astonishment and admiration. The author's contribution consists, mainly, of selecting these materials in which he displays a combination of knowledge and experience. Titles often announce a more or less intention of order: Silva de varia lección (that is to say, extracts of several readings arranged in a non-organized manner, like in a forest); Jardín de flores curiosas (selection, by way of anthology, of the best and most curious things to read…).  

    For those who study the literary and humanistic European culture of the XVIth-XVIIIth centuries, this type of work is extremely useful: for annotated editions, or to help to study or understand iconographic programs, or diverse studies on Literature, Art, or the transmission and organization of knowledge. This European cultural heritage is usually preserved in libraries that house rare books, but they are not easily accessible.

     The grants received by our research group from the National Plan I + D (Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology of Spain) (projects with code BFF2003-03945, HUM2006-07410/FILO and FFI2009-08113 - subprograma FILO) allows us to offer this useful  tool to researchers and scholars who study Modern Age culture. Through this web site, we offer access to a catalog of works of this nature, secondary bibliography (Repertoires, Editions and Studies) and the digitization of some of these books.  Depending on our capacity and resources, we will increase the digital library.

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